Institution Tutelage

1. The Institute of Diplomatic Studies

the Institute of Diplomatic Studies, abbreviated as IED, is the public legal person, in the form of a public institute, responsible for carrying out training and research activities in the areas of diplomacy and international relations. The legal rules relating to the structure, organization and functioning of the IED are approved by decree-law.

2. Timor-Leste Cooperation Agency

The Timor-Leste Cooperation Agency, abbreviated as ACT-L, is a legal entity governed by public law, endowed with legal personality, administrative and financial autonomy and its own assets. ACT-L is responsible for the supervision, coordination and implementing of the national policy for international cooperation for development, including humanitarian assistance, with a view to strengthening relations with East Timor.

3. The National Authorizing Officer (NAO)

The Services of the National Authorizing Officer (NAO) are responsible within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation to represents all operations financed by the European Development Fund (EDF) of the European Union. The NAO Services’ organizational chart is managed through the NAO, that in close collaboration with the EU Delegation (EUD), is responsible for implementing:

  • Preparation and submission of programmes and projects, both national and regional (PALOP- TL and Pacific);
  • Examination and completion of tenders prior to submission to EUD approval;
  • Coordination, monitoring and assessment of projects and programmes funded through the11th EDF;
  • Ensuring the proper execution of projects, programmes under the National Indicative
  • Programme (NIP) and all disbursements of EU funding in the country;
  • Preparation, implementation and management of NAO’s Programmes Estimates.

4. The European Union (EU) and Timor-Leste (T-L)

MoFAC, on 03 February 2022, The European Union (EU) and Timor-Leste (T-L) unveiled on the priorities for a new programme of EU/T-L cooperation. The EU will provide funding amounting to EUR 55 million for the period until 2024 to support a range of initiatives for the development of T-L and to promote mutually beneficial cooperation. The EU Multiannual Indicative Programme for T-L for 2021- 2027 was officially launched by H.E. Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Dra. Adaljiza Magno and H.E. Ambassador of the European Union to T-L, Mr. Andrew Jacobs.

With this new strategic document, the EU commits to provide support for the priorities defined in consultation with the Timor-Leste authorities. Other key stakeholders were consulted, in particular Civil Society Organizations, including women and youth organizations, local authorities, representatives from the private sector, the UN and other development partners of T-L.

The new programme has two main priorities: Priority 1 - Green and sustainable economic recovery and development; Priority 2 - Good governance for sustainable development. For the first phase, from 2021-2024, the EU will dedicate a contribution of EUR 55 million (approximately USD 61 million). The financial allocation for 2025-2027 will be determined following a mid-term review in 2024. Ambassador Andrew Jacobs said at the launch: "The European Union has a long-standing partnership with T-L, based on the shared values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Today, we are marking a step in our cooperation, by committing ourselves to long-term support for green and sustainable economic recovery and development (a "Green Deal") and for good governance for sustainable development. I am particularly pleased that we intensify support to T-L in the diversification of the economy, and in its efforts at regional economic integration, including preparations for possible ASEAN accession."

The Minister Magno stated: "I acknowledge that the European Union programs within the framework of the new partnership of the European Union will complement the government's efforts for the well- being of the people of T-L. I urge my fellow government members of the relevant sectors to seize the opportunity and carry out the implementation of the government's plan to serve our people. And, I congratulate the European Union as the EU was the first development partner in T-L that is at the forefront of supporting T-L and implementing the principles of "Country-Owned, Country-Led and Use Country System". For this, I keep holding the annual political dialogue and regular public policy dialogues to be continued as the most valuable instruments to strengthen and maintain our cooperation" The adoption of the Multiannual Indicative Programme is an important step in reinforcing the EU's cooperation with T-L. It will enable the EU and T-L to continue working together  on programmes and projects that are built on shared objectives, principles and values. It comes at a time when the EU is starting to implement a new strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific.

Organization Structure

  The organic structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation consists of the General Secretariat, responsible for ensuring instrumental or support services for the internal functioning of the ministry, in the areas of general work, financial management and coordinating with respective 8 national directorates under its administration; the General Directorate for Bilateral Affairs, responsible for monitoring and coordinating the diplomatic relations among Timor-Leste with other States over three national directorates; the General Directorate for Multilateral and Regional Affairs, responsible for monitoring and coordinating Timor-Leste's participation within the framework of international organizations with the reinforcement by 3 National Directorates; the Directorate General for ASEAN Affairs, responsible for monitoring the ASEAN accession process. This directorate has 3 national Directorates; the General Directorate for Consular and Protocol Affairs, responsible for administer the network of Timor-Leste's consular posts, and organizing the State's protocol under the establishment of the three core national directorates; Lastly, the Inspection and Audit Office that responsible for verifying compliance with legislation and regulations relating to the functioning of the Ministry's internal and external peripheral services. The Inspection and Audit Office reports directly to the Minister. The Inspector of the Inspection and Audit Office, appointed under the terms of the management and leadership positions of the Public Administration.

Minister Profile



Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste


in Progres



Vice Minister Profile

vice Ministra


Vice-Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação da República Democrática de Timor-Leste


 (versaun portugues seidauk iha)



Secretary General Profile

Ambassador João Freitas de Câmara


O Secretário-Geral do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação de Timor-Leste

O Embaixador João Freitas de Câmara tem sido uma parte integrante do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação desde a sua criação, contribuindo para o estabelecimento e crescimento da instituição. Ao longo da sua carreira, ocupou várias posições, incluindo o cargo de Embaixador de Timor-Leste em Myanmar e na Tailândia. Também já desempenhou anteriormente papéis na gestão do ministério como Diretor-Geral e Secretário-Geral.

O Embaixador João Freitas de Câmara tem sido uma parte integrante do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação desde a sua criação, contribuindo para o estabelecimento e crescimento da instituição. Ao longo da sua carreira, ocupou vários cargos, incluindo o de Embaixador de Timor-Leste na Tailândia e Mianmar, bem como cargos de gestão sénior no ministério como Diretor-Geral e Secretário-Geral, que ocupa agora pela segunda vez.

O Sr. Câmara formou-se em Direito pela Universidade Católica, UNIKA ATMA JAYA em Jacarta, Indonésia, e prosseguiu os estudos em Economia na Universidade Aberta de Jacarta. Além disso, obteve um mestrado em Gestão e Desenvolvimento Organizacional pela Assumption University em Bangkok, Tailândia.

Antes da sua carreira diplomática, o Sr. Câmara teve uma longa história de envolvimento no movimento de resistência pela independência de Timor-Leste. Serviu como colaborador para a Região de Bobonaro, Setor da Fronteira Sul, de 1976 a 1979. Enquanto estudou na Indonésia, esteve envolvido na resistência clandestina em Jacarta e arredores entre 1980 e 1991, o que levou à sua captura e detenção na Prisão de Cipinang em Jacarta de 1991 a 1999, quando o país foi finalmente libertado. Reconhecendo a sua dedicação, foi-lhe atribuída a Medalha da Ordem de Nicolau Lobato, Grau B, pelos anos de serviço na resistência armada e clandestina.

O Sr. Câmara é fluente em português, inglês e indonésio, bem como em kemak e tetum, duas das muitas línguas nativas de Timor-Leste.

MoFAC Chart’s



History of MFAC Timor-Leste

General Secretary

The General Secretariat is responsible for ensuring the services instrumental or supporting the internal functioning of the ministry, namely in the areas of general office and financial management; a Directorate-General for Affairs Bilateral, responsible for monitoring and coordinating of the relations maintained by the Timorese State with other States; a Directorate General for Multilateral Affairs and Journal of the Republic


  1. 1975: José Ramos-Horta

  2. 2000–2006: José Ramos-Horta

  3. 2006–2007: José Luís Guterres

  4. 2007: Adaljíza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno (acting)

  5. 2007–2012: Zacarias da Costa

  6. 2012–2015: José Luís Guterres

  7. 2015–2017: Hernâni Coelho

  8. 2017–2018: Aurélio Guterres

  9. 2018–2020: Dionísio Babo Soares

  10. 2020 – 2023: Adaljíza Albertina Xavier Reis Magno

C. Value

  1. High Integrity,
  2. Perseverance
  3. Solid and Functional Organizational structure
  4. Active and Participative

B. Mission

To defend the interest of Timor Leste and its people through active diplomacy and international cooperation.

A. Vision

A harmonious and prosperous Timor-Leste by peace, security and stability in the region and in the world.