The organic structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation consists of the General Secretariat, responsible for ensuring instrumental or support services for the internal functioning of the ministry, in the areas of general work, financial management and coordinating with respective 8 national directorates under its administration; the General Directorate for Bilateral Affairs, responsible for monitoring and coordinating the diplomatic relations among Timor-Leste with other States over three national directorates; the General Directorate for Multilateral and Regional Affairs, responsible for monitoring and coordinating Timor-Leste's participation within the framework of international organizations with the reinforcement by 3 National Directorates; the Directorate General for ASEAN Affairs, responsible for monitoring the ASEAN accession process. This directorate has 3 national Directorates; the General Directorate for Consular and Protocol Affairs, responsible for administer the network of Timor-Leste's consular posts, and organizing the State's protocol under the establishment of the three core national directorates; Lastly, the Inspection and Audit Office that responsible for verifying compliance with legislation and regulations relating to the functioning of the Ministry's internal and external peripheral services. The Inspection and Audit Office reports directly to the Minister. The Inspector of the Inspection and Audit Office, appointed under the terms of the management and leadership positions of the Public Administration.

Minister Profile



Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

She started her professional career with several Non-Governmental Organizations in Timor- Leste afterward decided to be actively engage in politics and proverbial as a gender advocate and human rights activist. At the first election in 2001 and at the age of 25th, she was elected as a member of Constituent Assembly in Timor-Leste from FRETILIN political party. Constituent Assembly was the first democratic body in Timor-Leste before restoration of Independence that had a special mission to write and approve Timor-Leste’s Constitution. On the Constituent Assembly transformations to the National Parliament in 2002, she expediently continued served as a member of the National Parliament until 2005. In the same year in 2005. At the age of 30th, she was appointed as the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Timor-Leste’s Constitutional Government under three different Prime Ministers. In the Third Constitutional Government, she was appointed as Acting/Interim Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation for 3 months until the Fourth- Constitutional Government was formed.

Dr. Magno studied Economic at Sekolah Tinggi ilmu Economic Atma Bhakti under the Sebelas Maret Foundation in Solo – Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. Dr. Magno was extremely active in several youth organizations namely PMKRI (Union of Catholic University of the Republic of Indonesia), Sahe Study Club based in Jakarta and IMPETTU Surakarta (Union of Timorese Student from Timor- Leste in Surakarta). Following completion of her economics degree she started its professional career as a volunteer at Yayasan HAK (HAK Foundation), FOKUPERS (Communication Forum for Timor- Leste Women) and Sahe Institute for Liberation (SIL) and several Non- Governmental organizations based in Dili.

Dr. Magno is deeply concerned about the importance of good-governance for new democratic society like Timor-Leste. For her, it is important to have a strong foundation for good public management. She strongly believes that education will be one of the best ways to improve her skills in public management and to understand more on how to design good public policy for her newborn country. Therefore, she decided to continue her studies in Master’s level to improve her capacity and expertise in public management. In 2013, she successfully concluded her Master’s Degree in Public Management from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.

Vice Minister Profile

vice Ministra


Vice-Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação da República Democrática de Timor-Leste


 (versaun portugues seidauk iha)



Secretary General Profile

Ambassador João Freitas de Câmara


O Secretário-Geral do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação de Timor-Leste

  O Embaixador João Freitas de Câmara tem sido uma parte integrante do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação desde a sua criação, contribuindo para o estabelecimento e crescimento da instituição. Ao longo da sua carreira, ocupou várias posições, incluindo o cargo de Embaixador de Timor-Leste em Myanmar e na Tailândia. Também já desempenhou anteriormente papéis na gestão do ministério como Diretor-Geral e Secretário-Geral.

O Embaixador João Freitas de Câmara tem sido uma parte integrante do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Cooperação desde a sua criação, contribuindo para o estabelecimento e crescimento da instituição. Ao longo da sua carreira, ocupou vários cargos, incluindo o de Embaixador de Timor-Leste na Tailândia e Mianmar, bem como cargos de gestão sénior no ministério como Diretor-Geral e Secretário-Geral, que ocupa agora pela segunda vez.

O Sr. Câmara formou-se em Direito pela Universidade Católica, UNIKA ATMA JAYA em Jacarta, Indonésia, e prosseguiu os estudos em Economia na Universidade Aberta de Jacarta. Além disso, obteve um mestrado em Gestão e Desenvolvimento Organizacional pela Assumption University em Bangkok, Tailândia.

Antes da sua carreira diplomática, o Sr. Câmara teve uma longa história de envolvimento no movimento de resistência pela independência de Timor-Leste. Serviu como colaborador para a Região de Bobonaro, Setor da Fronteira Sul, de 1976 a 1979. Enquanto estudou na Indonésia, esteve envolvido na resistência clandestina em Jacarta e arredores entre 1980 e 1991, o que levou à sua captura e detenção na Prisão de Cipinang em Jacarta de 1991 a 1999, quando o país foi finalmente libertado. Reconhecendo a sua dedicação, foi-lhe atribuída a Medalha da Ordem de Nicolau Lobato, Grau B, pelos anos de serviço na resistência armada e clandestina.

O Sr. Câmara é fluente em português, inglês e indonésio, bem como em kemak e tetum, duas das muitas línguas nativas de Timor-Leste.

MoFAC Chart’s



Government Konstitusional
Tinan remata Mandatu
Tinan Hahu Mandatu