Timor-Leste participated actively the Bali Process in Bali last few years and committed to support the initiative of eradication of People Smuggling, Human Trafficking, Transnational Crimes and other illicit activities along the land border with Indonesia.
In connection to this, the government of Timor-Leste put high attention to the border through assigning the Border Police and Soldier to secure the people moving along border. Meanwhile, the government also established the Comisaun Luta Anti Trafico Umano (CLATU) in order to implement Law No. 3 2017 Combating Human Trafficking in Timor-Leste. The Commission is under the Ministry Justice and cooperation with other development partners such as USA and IOM. In order to implement the activities of the Commission, the government allocated a total amount of U$ 175.000 annually based on the Commission annual action plan.